Lantech Stretch Wrappers , Pittsburgh

Lantech Stretch Wrappers

In the world of industrial packaging, efficiency reigns supreme. Every step, from securing loads to optimizing workflow, must be seamless for maximum productivity. Lantech stretch wrappers offer a dependable solution to this challenge. Let’s explore their features, benefits, and implementation tips to revolutionize your packaging operations. Lantech, a leader in packaging machinery, provides innovative solutions…

Packaging Tape 101: Which tape do you need?

Today we are talking about packaging tape. Below we are defining different types of packaging tape and their various efficiencies and applications. Using the correct tape for your packaging application is crucial to optimize your packaging processes and reduce costs.  Acrylic Tape: Typically, general-purpose tape, that is carried by hand or used with a hand tape…

The Top 3 Benefits of High-Performance Stretch Film

Today we are discussing the Top 3 Benefits of High-Performance Stretch Film. High-performance stretch film is an innovative, engineered, low gauge film that is manufactured using a multilayered resin process.  As a result, it offers better clarity, cling, puncture, and tear resistance than traditional film. Although there are several benefits of using high-performance stretch film,…